Status:8/5/2016 It's Friday Family Let's Party with @Pitbull
@Prince Royce, and @Farruko The #BadManTour at PP&L Center. The 2nd Time To See Pitbull In Concert. 1st Time Allentown Fair August 26, 2011.A Epic And A Amazing Performance.
I Said, Y'All Having A Good Time Out There?Yeah,Yeah,Yeah. Que No Pare La Fiesta,Don't Stop The Party.
Yeah, Yeah,Yeah. Que No Pare La Fiesta.Don't Stop The Party.
Current Mood: Mega Excited @Prince Royce, @Faruko, @Pitbull Dale! This is what I posted on my Facebook Timeline and also to Pitbull on Twitter.
My friend came to pick my little princess and me at our house. She paid my husband $50.00 for his ticket. This was going to be her 1st time seen Pitbull in concert. The tickets went on sell in May 2016. We bought 3 and paid $29.95 each.I told her to park at the music school parking lot. Is usually $6.00, but this time because Pitbull and "The Bad Man" Tour was in town the parking went to $10.00. I still consider it cheap. My friend thought that when we return it would be 11:00P.M and too dark outside and unsafe to walk back to the car. I said" everything will be okay in New York it would be more scary a lot of people walking at night and I was not scare". We walk to the stadium and got there around 6:15PM and there were already 3 lines outside to get inside. I have been to the PP&L center with my family before we saw "Disney on Ice" on February 1, 2015. "Road to Wrestle-mania" on March 8, 2015. "Ringling Bros and Barnum and Bailey Circus" on April 5, 2016. And this 4th time to see Mr. 305, Mr.Worldwide Pitbull, Prince Royce, Farruko and Fuego in the "Bad Man Tour" on August 5 2016 from 7:00P.M to 11:00P.M.
When we went to find our seat in the 210 row there was a usher and he said "This section is close give me your 3 tickets and you are now in row 111!". I said " Am I going to see the front of the stage like I had it on the 210 row?". He said "Yes". We were happy because the tickets in that row cost more $59.95. We were search before going in.I was able to take in My Nikon that has a zoom of 15 so I was able to zoom in and take their photo and video tape both Prince Royce and Pitbull. The disk only lasted 2 hours so I was not able to video tape Farruko and Fuego.
The first person on stage was Fuego the 1st time I see him and hear him. His style is Reggeton. Then Farruko came on stage he is from Puerto Rico.He also sings Reggeton. Both sounded great. Then Prince Royce came on stage wearing a white outfit. At one point he said "Is getting hot in here why the heck am I wearing this heavy white ass coat!" He took it off and all the young ladies and women fan went wild screaming. Then he brought a woman fan on stage she was from Ecuador. He sang "No Soy Perfecto!" She kept hugging him and walking around the stage with him. At one point he had her in front of him and look intensely into her eyes. I took a photo of them two looking at each other. She thought he was going to kiss her, but instead he gave her a red rose and then she went to seat down. I video tape it and put another little piece of a song and in it you see him running around throwing red roses at the ladies.
Then we had a intermission. My friend before Prince Royce came on stage told me she was going to go to the bathroom and my little princess and I stay sitting in our seats. Time pass and she did not come back then she texted me that she was going to stay close to the stage to take photos and videos of Pitbull when he came on stage.She said "come down so we can take photos with Pitbull!" I said "No!" "I am staying in my seat and I do not want no one taking our seats". At 9:13P.M I wrote on Pitbull Facebook page. "Pitbull coming on stage soon!OMG I can't! I am having a Amazing time. Farruko and Prince Royce awesome show. Pitbull Dale! With a yellow sun emoji wearing black sunglasses. Like Pitbull.
Then Pitbull came on stage. Wearing a GQ black suit with his charming smile that makes everyone smile too. I said to myself as I was looking at him we meet again for a 2nd time. He started to sing his opening song and said " I Said, Y'All Having A Good Time Out There?Yeah,Yeah,Yeah. Que No Pare La Fiesta,Don't Stop The Party.
Yeah, Yeah,Yeah. Que No Pare La Fiesta.Don't Stop The Party.
I was video taping it with my Nikon and I scream and started singing along with him then I let him continue singing and performing with his dancers on that stage. God made it happen the way I like it Pitbull shining like a shining star doing what he loves to do singing and making his fan happy. I was shining like a bright star on the dance floor the 1st time I saw him. This 2nd time I was sitting in my comfortable chair with my daughter next to me while I scream,sang and dance.He also sang the song "E'Cha Pa Alla"(Manos Arribas) My little princess favorite song. I scream and said out loud "He is singing your favorite song!". This 3 Latin women look back and smile. My little princess got a bit embarrassed, but I smile at her and whisper to her "sorry'. I continue singing and having a great time. I felt like I was a teenager having more fun that the 3 white young teenage girls to my left. Pitbull would said Puerto Rico! I scream "Wepaaa!" He would said "Latino" I scream "Wepaaa!" I love every minute of the concert more when Pitbull was on that stage singing and performing with his dancers.He spoke to the audience and said "Allentown gave him the most love" One of my friends from Zumba video tape his speech. The concert finish and My friend, my little princess and I went to the ladies room. We kept walking and ask two usher where the bathroom where located. My little princess and I use the family bathroom. Then we finish and my friend use it. We waited outside. This couple came over and ask me if we were waiting to use the bathroom? I said "No!". "I am waiting for my friend so no one opens her door!". She said "That's nice!" She ask me where I was from? I said "I am from Puerto Rico, but raise here". She said she was Cuban. "Is this the 1st time you see Pitbull in concert he is amazing?". I said "This is my 2nd time and he is beyond amazing!" She told me this was her husband 1st time seen Pitbul in concert. I told her it was my friend 1st time too.They both complementd us on the shirts that I customized. My had Pitbull wearing a black tux and my little princess had a drawing of a Star girl and Lenny. He said "Get Out of here. You design it?" I said "Yes!". I was looking on line and did not like the t-shirt they were selling online. I decided to make my own. He said "The ones here are expensive!". I said "Yes!" I said I have a Passion for music and She has a Passion for Art. He said that is my job Graphic Designer and Web Designer. She said she was a teacher. Both praise us for our shirt. They complemented my little princess a lot and were happy that she was taking Art at the Baum School of Arts. We said good bye. My little princess took a photo of my friend and me in the hallway and then we were walking out the stadium as we passed the friendly people who work there said "Goodnight!". My friends said "she love it!".
On Saturday I posted my photos and videos.3 other friends attended. Irma wrote: "It was amazing"!.Rosa: "I love the way he interacted with the audience". Aurora: I love it and want to see him again". I also posted those photos on Twitter and Pibull update like a photo of Pitbull I put there. On Instagram Pitbull Updated gave a heart to two more photos the one were the newspaper article is and the billboard at the PP&L center. The videos of Pitbull was the opening number "Don't Stop the Party!" and a Popuri of "International Love' "Sube La Mano Pa Arriba", Bon Bon Bon", "Fireball". It was a Epic and Amazing concert "The Big bad Man Tour" with Fuego, Farruko, Prince Royce and Pitbull. Thankful to God that he makes me live this happy moments.
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